Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Old Volcanoes in Utah

(Public Domain.  Source Info found here.)

Back when I was in school I would stress over general education classes.  I was actually excited for most of them, but was absolutely dreading Geology, which was required for my Earth Science class.  It ended up being my most favorite class of all time!  It helps having an energetic teacher.  (And it's fun to admit that on one of the tests I was the only one to get 100% out of her 150+ students . . . and those tests were hard . . . proving once again I'm a geek.)

What made the class so much fun is all the time we spent studying volcanoes (we skipped the section on dirt so that we could spend more time on volcanoes.)  It wasn't until a few years ago that I realized there used to be so many volcanoes in Utah.  There's 4 main volcanoes that represent 3 types of volcanoes.

In certain places along the I-15 you can see volcanic rock.

Both of these photos were taken near Cove Fort Utah on the I-15.  I was told you can see an old volcano from the interstate, and I was told the below hill was the volcano, but I'm starting to have my doubts as I've been doing a bit of research and can't find any evidence.  

From what I've read all the volcano's are dormant.  Though there was apparently some volcanic activity 600 years ago in the Black Rock Dessert in Millard County.

It is strange driving on the I-15, knowing that thousands and millions of years ago these volcanoes shot out lava.  These dormant volcanoes are a time stamp of the past.  An image of what was.  How things change and not to take anything for granted.


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