Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The 4 C's = Curiosity, Creativity, Courage, and Charity

When I was in High School I had a fun little group with my friends called the PPPPA (the Poor Pathetic People of Porterville Association).  We would get together on Friday nights and watch old black and white movies.  Probably sounds a little lame, 
but it was fun.

Because of that I've since been obsessed with creating lists of words that all start with the same letter.  This time the 4 words are a list of values I want to model my life after.  Something to live towards and incorporate each day.


Albert Einstein said that "I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."  And he also said "It's a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."  One of the brightest minds of this last century loves both curiosity and imagination.  I've always felt that it's better to be curious then smart, though being smart is good, it's limited.  Curiosity isn't limited; one discovery leads to another.  So each day I want to find something to be curious about and discover.


Curiosity in many ways leads to creativity.  For me it's in writing and music composition, photography, and crafts.  There's a power in creativity, in letting a part of ourselves out, in creating something new, or simply rearranging something old.  Unfortunately I don't always set time each day to be creative, though I'm that sort of person who thrives by it.  It's pure joy.  Who doesn't want to embrace joy? . . . it's a bit frustrating as well when things aren't working out, or the mind's blocked, but that which is worth having must be worked towards.


"Without courage, all other virtues lose their meaning." Winston Churchill.  I vow each day to find courage.  Courage to be myself.  Courage to embrace what's uncomfortable or terrifying, which, for me, usually means anything technological.  I vow to banish my inner demons and fully be the person I'm meant to be.


Charity is the last virtue, because it's the most important.  Charity is the pure love of Christ, and Charity never faileth.    Those last two phrases I've grown up hearing my entire life, and I believe it.  The most essential Christlike character we can learn to have is Charity, a combination of love and service, and who better understands love and service then our Lord and Savior who sacrificed all for us?  We are not him, but we can strive to be like him.  Sometimes we think serving others needs to be big; that that's the only type of service that's important, because it gets noticed.  All types of service is important, and the first place Charity should start is at home.  A kind act, a kind deed, a simple smile can mean the World to someone, and it's never wasted.

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