Saturday, December 11, 2021

Trying Chicken Waffle and Maple Bacon Flavored Taffy

Some ventures are better left untaken.

At least that's what I'm thinking as I stare at two savory pieces of salt water taffy, one chicken waffle flavor and the other maple bacon.  Why did I get them? I'm a glutton for punishment, but curiosity also overwhelmed my brain.

So here it goes!!

Chicken and Waffles first.  The smell is a little off putting!! Salty sweet with the scent of gravy. I really don't want to do this!!!! Hmmmm that was confusing. If there was a bland taffy flavor this would be it. How anticlimactic.

Now for the bacon!!  The scent is throwing me off. Kinda like a piece of bacon smothered in maple syrup, like if you were eating pancakes and the syrup went crazy. Okay, now for the taste... yeah, that was gross. Why did I put the second half in my mouth?? >_<

Chicken and Waffles win!!

Now to palate cleanse with hot chocolate flavor. Blah!

Have a great weekend.


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