Monday, February 11, 2019

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, mini movie review

Rating: A


Seriously, though.  There are.

And there's been a few different portrayals of Peter Parker these last several years.  Do we need more?  If you asked me last year I would have rolled my eyes and said, "Nope."  But I was wrong.  We do need a new vision of the Spider-Verse.

And what an original vision this is, too.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse plays on the fact that there isn't just a few versions of Peter Parker, but there are different people who have donned the spider facade. 

The movie starts with Miles Morales, a Spider-Man I'm not so familiar with, who's a teenager in school.  He has loving parents, but still feels the need to escape and hang out with his uncle, perhaps getting into a little mischief.  Miles is a real good kid.  And one day, while in the sewers, he's bit by a radioactive spider, the mantle being passed to him.

Meanwhile or beforehand (the scenes got switched in my head) there's a major accident at a research facility of sorts, which may or may not have been on purpose, and suddenly multiple universes converge bringing several spider people into Miles universe.  Mayhem ensues.  There's a good balance of action, humor, and heart.

Overall I loved Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which I haven't mentioned yet, is fully animated.  There's several art styles depicted.  The only thing I didn't like was that items and things in the corner of scenes seemed double.  Was that on purpose, or for the 3D, and it got passed on to 2D?  And another thing to mention, if you have motion sensitivity or sensitive to flashing, some of the action shots are overwhelming with a full onslaught of visual stimulation.

Still, this new Spider-Man movie is a lot of fun that the whole family can enjoy.

MPAA: Rated PG for frenetic sequences of animated action violence, thematic elements, and mild language.

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