Thursday, June 16, 2022

My Mom's Jewelry Booth, Take 2

A couple months or so ago my Mom put her jewelry into a store.  Well, they haven't sold well. Apart of that is the fact that a lot of the sellers are retailers, buying from China and selling with a slight markup. How many of the booths are like this? Not quite sure, only this is what the store's owner told my Mom a few weeks after getting set up.  How can one compete?  

Well, she's spent the last few weeks creating more jewelry pieces at a cheaper price.  Before all the jewelry in the booth were in clear boxes with a cleaning cloth and nice pouch, and though this was a nice setup, we felt it might deter buyers. Though our concern with jewelry being in the open would inspire theft.  Funny enough when one of the workers came by to see how my Mom and I were rearranging everything yesterday, she expressed the same worry of theft.  The store has this problem.

Also, with the economy and everything crazy in the world, it's hard to know what to expect or hope.  The contract is for six months, and Mom want's to give it her all.  If after six months there isn't any improvement, then it is what it is, and we'll leave with head held high.  For my Mom's sake I hope the sells improve, as she loves making the jewelry and it brings her so much joy.  But we both agree that this isn't the best time to try starting a business like this, especially with gas prices and so forth.  But dreams are worth dreaming.  Always.

The set up is more welcoming.  I'm proud of my Mom.

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