Monday, June 20, 2022

A Matter of Perception...

Several weeks ago I was visiting with one of my Sister-in-laws. Out of nowhere Krista said, super paraphrasing: "Everyone we meet, even those right next to us, are living in different realities." An interesting conversation followed, talking about perspective, knowledge, and how even the news we watch influences the world we live, and how we interpret those worlds.

Everything may seem clear to us, but the value system of a stranger will take the same information and view it differently. Or simply not having a piece of news can shape the dimensions we each live.

In this world I think we sometimes forget this. Someone does something that bothers us, and we get frustrated, not taking a step back to understand. It's something I forget at times.

But thinking about this has made me realize the power we have over our reality. How we view and see things, and how these things make us feel and react, positive or negative.

I'm guilty of being a half glass empty cynic. My code word justification for this is simply being a "realist." But imagining and predicting the worst has its affects. (Heh, though... it does have its benefits, and I've gotten a few things right, including telling my Mom to stock up on toilet paper before that fiasco happened back in 2020.)

*sigh* yeah...

But I've been working on being more positive. If I recognize something negative I try to find a good perspective, or.... oh my freak I'm turning into Pollyanna!!!!

Scratch that!! :P

Anywho, it is good to find things to be positive about, and they do influence us. My health feels it. My mood feels it.

This will be my mission, working on my perspective. It's like they say, "if you want to find the good, you'll see the good. If you want to find the bad, you'll see the bad." My foot is still grounded in reality, my version of it, and I'm a truth seeker, but I'm looking for the good.

(Though facts are facts, truth is truth, and regardless of our personal realities these things don't change, so it's important we don't let our reality hide us from the truth.)


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