Friday, December 18, 2020

The Beauty of Winter

It's finally that time of year where the snow is now sticking to the ground, and it is honestly lovely.  Heh, except for when traveling on I-15 and there's a sudden slowdown and the electronic signs indicate that there's a crash 4 miles ahead...

Snow is so peaceful.  So tranquil.  The way it dampens sound, washing out the world in quiet reverence.  Crunching freshly packed snow on the pavement is so satisfactory and wonderful.  And wondering if you can get away with not shoveling it, wondering in fear that it might turn into black ice if you don't...

As a child it was always great fun to go into the mountains and sprawl on the ground making snow angels, or rounding snowballs into giant snowmen for jolly effect.  Somehow the cold wetness of snow doesn't exist in my childhood memories.

The symbolism of Winter is so enlightening.  The Earth decaying into hibernation, trees losing their leaves, flowers shriveling up into brown stumps all for the wonderful reveal of Spring.  We must die a little to grow stronger.  We must lose a little to be thankful and not take anything for granted.  Without Winter I wouldn't realize how splendid it is to have Spring flowers.

On another note I just looked at the weekly weather report and it looks like we're not getting a White Christmas this year.  I'm seriously overjoyed.  Actually, I really am.  Not joking!  Though it has happened, several times in the past, that the weather report indicated bright sunshine dancing around Dec. 25th, and then we'd get a surprise snow storm Christmas Eve.  It's happened more than a few times, so I should take bets with my family if we really will have a White Christmas and then plan accordingly.

I truly have a love/hate relationship with this time of year.  :P

"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, 'Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.'" ~ Lewis Carroll

I'm going to go get warm,


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