Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Random Thoughts December 2020 Edition

I was going to write this post yesterday, but then something unexpected happened.  Looking out the front window my Dad said something looked wrong with my car, which I have to park on the street.  I quickly put on shoes and ran outside, and it was pretty bad.  The front of the car scrapped up, hole next to the headlight, on the sidewalk a crinkled license plate, and tire marks on the grass.  No note anywhere.  Looks like my car was involved in a hit and run with a drunk person.  And I learned something new last night: My insurance doesn't cover hit and runs.  My brother Michael came over and said it should be safe to drive, though I'll need to get the alignment and such checked out.  So, yup...

Though, I was super close to throwing in the towel with my miles this year.  I needed 5 miles last night to stay on track, and I was just kinda being miserable on the couch.  But I got up and forced myself and did 6.11 miles for extra measure.  About 20 miles to go.

It's fun watching the kiddos grow up and see their personalities come out.  My three year old niece is proving to be quite precocious.  On Christmas Eve there was a broadcast of Ballet West's, the Ballet company from SLC, Nutcracker.  Everyone was gathered upstairs and eating.  I was waiting for a dance to finish before joining them.  Then, out of nowhere, I hear, "Sarah!  Come up and get some dinner!"  It was my niece.  I came up and asked if anyone told her to say that, and no one did.  She looked around, saw I was missing, and made the decision to do something about it.  She then told me my hair was getting long.  I asked her if I should cut it, and she said I should.  :\  

We took this particular niece to Disneyland when she was one years old, and every time she was in her stroller I would see her head pop out to look at my Mom and I.  She was making sure we were all together and no one was getting left behind.  And earlier this year, when she was still two, she said she really wanted to go to Disneyland, but knew we couldn't because of all the sick people.  Wise beyond her years.  That's spiritual premortal stuff.  Makes me wonder what she was like in Heaven.

Saw Wonder Woman 1984 last weekend.  Didn't like it.  Plenty of people have been berating the movie online, so I don't have to go into what has already been said.  Though my family decided the way the 1980's was depicted in the mall actually reminded us of the way 2015 is depicted in the 2nd Back to the Future movie, which was ironically filmed in the 80's.  Just over the top stylized.  And Steve Trevor possessing a body Quantum Leap style was highly disconcerting.  No talk of family and so forth.  Steve and Diana full on make out, getting to know each other in the biblical sense.  This stranger's body is violated and raped without his consent, and at the end of the movie this man is back in his body, and Diana just smiles at him and that's it, the man none the wiser.  Turns Diana into a total scumbag.  She's selfish, thinks of her needs, and both her and Steve never once contemplate the ethics of stealing a life.  Not once.  She shouldn't have sacrificed Steve in order to let go of her needs and desires, she should have done it because it was the right thing to do, because she would have been saving a soul who had no choice.

HGTV just started showing the early episodes for Escape to the Chateau, about a British couple who buys a french chateau and fixes it up.  So charming.  I'm super loving it.  Though in the older Christmas episode that was shown the gal (don't know her name!) decided to reinvent the Christmas popper by cutting the innards of antique books out and putting the gifts in there.  Cutting antique books up!!!!  And they were the most darling old books to, one of which had elegant drawings.  It just made me want to cry.  And it makes me want to visit an antique shop and look through old books.  One of my favorite things to do.  But, alas, I don't have shelf space for more books.  (Heh, doesn't stop me from rearranging my shelves so more books can fit).

So I talk religiously on this blog from time to time, and I've mentioned that I believe there will be a 2nd coming of Christ.  That's not changing.  But it also means I'm a watcher, and I look for what is called the signs of the time.  This has been something I've been really thinking about.  We're to watch, but I also think it's good to be wise and open minded when it comes to prophesy.  There's two major religious groups: the Jews and the Christians.  One is waiting for the first coming of the Messiah, the other group is waiting for the second coming of the Messiah.  Why?  The interpretation of scripture and prophesy.  That's how powerful it is.  There's a lot of ideas of how certain prophesy's will come about, and I think we might be surprised a little by how they actually come to pass.  Some events we think are going to be big and grandiose, but they may be as simple and quiet as a baby being born in a manger.

I'm hopeful for 2021, but I'm also not going to be delusional about it, either.  Is this being negative?  Just realistic.  I keep running scenarios though my head.  I've worked down several paths.  January will be very telling.  Next week will be telling.  Goodness, I'm hinting at political stuff, and I don't want to get political on this blog.  Just waiting to see how things play out.  I want to make plans.  My Mom and I are planning a trip, and I'm now learning Spanish because of it.  We'll see if it happens.  So many possibilities.  I can't speak any of the other languages I've studied!!  Ah!!  Heh, well, it's a good thing to do.  But, be careful with where you get your news.  There's a lot of censoring going on.  What is said and how it is said is just as important as what isn't said.  Ignorance leads to easily being manipulated.  Don't be surprised.

And that is it.  I need to great the day, do some cleaning, and squeeze in those 10 miles today.  I will meet the challenge I've started.


P.S. I finally got a hair cut, which I haven't done since February.  A whole 7 inches off, and it feels freeing.

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