Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Learning to Let Go

 "One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go.  Whether it's guilt, anger, love, loss, or betrayal.  Change is never easy. We fight to hold on and we fight to let go." ~ Mareez Reyes

I'm the sort of person who struggles with change.  Knowing what to expect is a comfort.  Computer program updates causes me internal stress and frustration.  And maybe, overall, I hold onto things too much.  Perhaps there are dreams I need to rethink and replan... no, I'm going to be stubborn on some goals and hopes.  But when it comes to guilt and loss, disappointment and frustrations I definitely hold on longer than I should. 

It's hard watching people leave.  It's hard not having love met.  It's hard when things are torn away from us.  And maybe that's why some of us hold on so tight, we're afraid of the loss and the change.  We're afraid of something different and the unknown, even if it's for our best.  It's hard to let go of things that seem good and/or beneficial, so we cling tight, even when that thing is slipping away.

Those are the moments that need a pause button.  A reflection button.  There are things in life we need to fight for.  But if there's something in our life that is unknowingly toxic, well, that needs to be discovered.  

There are also other things that we hold onto that's not good.  Bad habits.  Sins.  People who abuse, but then manipulate to maintain control of the cycle.  If we're addicted to a substance that isn't good for us, letting go is challenging.  There are personality traits that, left unchecked, hurt not just ourselves but others.  Changing is hard, but change for growth is necessary and good.

Sometimes we have no choice but to let go.  It's thrust upon us.  The shock is troublesome and unbearable, but clinging to the loss, after proper grief, can be harmful.  Letting go and moving on can bring peace.

Whatever you're struggling with, I pray you'll find peace and love.  Don't be afraid.  Pause and reflect.  Embrace life.  Even in these uncertain times there is still joy, peace, hope, and love in the World.  No matter what there are good days ahead.

Until next time, 


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