Thursday, December 10, 2020

A Little Scare...

So, as I usually do, this is written the night before it's posted.

It's nearly 9 pm, and what a day this has been.

Started out normal.  Exercised a little too much.  3 hours on the elliptical, 6 workouts all taking place in Germany during Christmas season, and just over 9 miles.  I was on a 7th workout when I started hearing loud scampering in the room above, which is my parents bedroom.  At first I didn't think much of it.  But the loud steps got louder, the pacing quicker.  And then I heard my Mom, crying as she came down.

I hopped off the machine, ran to get changed, frantically grabbed stuff, and when we finally made it to my Grandma's house the ambulance was pulling away.  We were too late.  One of my aunts lives with my Grandma and we headed to the hospital.

The next several hours were crazy.  They wouldn't let me in as only two people were allowed to see her.  At first I couldn't wait inside.  So I found a rock, and then later a bench outside.  Thankfully I double layered and it was only 43 outside.  My other Aunt was coming, and we were worried she wouldn't be allowed in.  My Grandma had a very bad stroke in the back of her head, and since it's a bad surgery I was allowed back to see her, and then my other Aunt arrived with less then 5 minutes till the start of the operation.

It seemed to be going well.  They got the blood clot out, and then she suffered a massive heart attack.

I'm at home now and just got off the phone with my Mom.  My Grandma's not doing well, and one of the doctors says it's her time.  

So I'm just numb.  Cried a crazy lot.  For the longest time I've been trying to find an interview I did with my Grandma where I asked her all these questions, but couldn't find it.  And then I got the impression that it's on this super old hard drive, and to go in one of my boxes and there I would find a now obsolete plug to connect it to my laptop.  I searched it, and there's a folder labeled "Interviews."  I only played the first few minute one and it was me talking to my Grandma about parking passes.  I didn't listen to the other clips, but started to transfer the whole hard drive to a newer one.  It's taking forever, but it's keeping me occupied.

Meanwhile, as I make sure my computer doesn't fall asleep and stop the transfer, I'm playing games and watching YouTube.  Prepaid Preacher always seems to calm me, so I'm watching him.  And after that I'm going to watch the 2020 First Presidency's Christmas Devotional which was posted over the weekend.  

So, yeah.  Just talked with my Dad who is here about regrets and whatnot.  My Grandma is the one I'm closest to.  We're Angeline's.  It's a spiritual bond.  And she's my last grandparent to still be alive.

So these next few days will be a mixture of emotion.  I don't know if I'll get another post written during the weekend, or wait till Monday.  So if you don't hear from me, this is what's going on.

Life comes at us with surprises.  Her parent's, my Granny and Gramps, lived until their mid-90's.  I was sure we'd have her till then.  She's in her mid-80's.  We don't want her to suffer.  She's surrounded by so many loved ones on the other side of the veil who have missed her and have been watching over her.  

Hope you're having a nice week,


It's after 11 pm on Wednesday the 9th, and she just passed through the veil.  She was at peace.  I've been listening to her recordings, and they're a comfort.  It doesn't seem complete as I remember asking her more questions, but I'm thankful to have what I have as it's a conversation between the two of us just talking about stuff.  Wish I interviewed her more, but thankful.  Now to be there for my family.

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