Sunday, October 18, 2020

Random Thoughts: October Edition

'Tis the season of pumpkin goodness!!  Seriously, pumpkin everything is the best part of Autumn, followed by the changing leaves and the nippy crisp air.  Though I can't have pumpkin treats!  The agony.  Buuuuttt, there's a pretty good herbal pumpkin tea at Trader Joe's.  It's not pumpkin bread, but it's nice and warm and hits the spot.  Though you can't smother it with whip cream. :\  Sadness.  Pumpkin scented candles are nice, too.

There's a fire in Provo Canyon.  Started yesterday morning and still going into last evening. Three helicopters and six planes are trying to put it out.  The canyon is closed. The fire itself is close to the water treatment plant.  Hopefully it goes well and everyone is safe.  Evacuations have started near the canyon, so not a good situation in that regard.

My car has hopefully had its last major problem this year.  Last year I had to replace all four tires and rims, because my tires kept going randomly flat.  Not safe.  Then the fuel pump had to be replaced.  And my 13 year old battery finally died!  Yay.  My brother Michael came over and helped me with it.  He also replaced the headlights I ordered a month ago, because the seal cracked and water was getting into the light and rusting.  So kudos to Michael for being amazing, awesome, super smart, humble, patient, and always willing to help not just his big sis, but everyone who needs it he's always there to lend a hand.  Drove my car this afternoon to get the core money for returning the old battery, and it was driving so nice.  The nicest in a long time.  Maybe the battery and fuel pump have been fighting each other?  Just guessing, and just hoping nothing else will go wrong for a little bit.

Meanwhile at Walmart all the Halloween stuff is out.  It's probably been out for quite awhile, I just haven't been there in awhile.  For the kids sake I hope they get the Halloween they want.  One of my nieces is so excited for it, but I haven't heard word what's going on in that regard.  Kids need their Halloween and candy.  

So in the past I've blogged about the Mickey Memories and the Disney Wisdom collections at the Disney Store.  This year it's Minnie Mouse based on Disney Park attractions.  When the shut downs started I was able to get Tea Cup Minnie Mouse off of the website.  That was under the old system.  For the most part I haven't been crazy about the designs, except Peter Pan.  All the Peter Pan Minnie stuff is adorable, and the King Arthur Minnie ears and loungefly backpack. I wasn't able to get those items, which is probably a good thing.  Sometime in May-ish/June the Disney store went to a lottery system.  From the Facebook groups I'm in so many people are upset and some have stopped trying to collect the series.  I only tried for Peter Pan and King Arthur carousal, and didn't win the lottery.  Didn't need to spend the money, so it's all good.  Tea Cup Minnie is adorable, so I'm glad to have gotten her.

Next month is Nanowrimo, in two weeks!  Haven't done it in years, but I'm excited.  These next two weeks will be prep.  The story will be fantasy for kids, so it'll be silly and cute.  Mainly I'm writing it for my nieces and nephew.  I prefer third person, but this will be in first person, and I want to read and record it as well.  Haven't done any acting in years... almost two decades.. but I'm going to have fun with this.  Just have fun.

So, the podcast my brother Michael and I are working on isn't coming out this month.  There were some set backs.  The music software is being agreeable, so I'm just playing around with intro song ideas.  Not quite happy with it yet.  But... oh, I want to tell you the theme for the podcast, but I'll leave that for the official announcement.  It's not like Steven and Robbie's podcast.  It's in a subject realm.  All I'll say is that it plays to Michael's talents and expertise and to my curiosity.  We're having fun.  We just haven't put a complete episode together yet, because we're working on form and all that jazz.

Anywho, I hope you're having a good month, despite everything.  Keep your head up.  Try to keep smiling.

Did you know researchers in the UK discovered the most interesting thing about smiles?  A smile has the same neurological boost as eating a bunch of chocolate or receiving $25,000.  A simple 'ol smile can do that!  These days we're being deprived of smiles.  Some people seem to be okay with masks.  I'm on the side that's not in favor of them. Touchy, controversial subject, I know. (Not going to get into it, because no matter what one believes there's scientific evidence to support it).  But one of the reasons I have a hard time with masks is smiles.  We're isolated at home, and then we go into public and we're isolated in public.  We need smiles!!  I wonder if one of the reasons so many people are depressed is because we need to give and receive smiles.  It really does make us feel better.

"Some people could be given an entire field of roses and only see the thorns in it. Others could be given a single weed and only see the windflower in it. Perception is a key component to gratitude. And gratitude is a key component to joy." ~ Amy Weatherly


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