Friday, October 2, 2020

October Health Goals: Just Keep Moving

Keeping this short and sweet.

Last week I declared my intention of going 101 days with no sugary treats.  Guess what!  I'm still at it.  Haven't had one yet.  And trust me, it's not easy.  Both Tuesday and Thursday of this last week has been tough.  Tuesday was an especially hard day, but I didn't give in.  I was like, "Body, I love you.  I don't hate you.  But I won't let you control me."  On the back of my door I have taped the written words "Spirit Over Body," so that's my focus.  

It is interesting, because with all the emotions I've been dealing with this week, I wanted to eat sugar to calm and mask those emotions.  Side step and avoid them a little with giving into tasty pleasures.  This is something I've known about me, this tendency to eat sweets when I'm depressed, sad, overwhelmed, or feeling anxiety.  Sugar is my go to distraction.  I was feeling all these emotions and couldn't satisfy the cravings.  Instead I sat there and dealt with the emotions.  Just felt them.  There was also a really nice drive, twice, to Sundance and back, which helped lift my mood.

Also, I believe I said I was going to aim for 5 miles of walking a day.  I realized by the end of last week my body was in serious need of a rest, so I amended my goal to 25 miles a week, which works out to 100 miles a month.  I did my 25 miles last week, and I have 2.5 miles left for this week.

What are the results?  A few weeks ago I hit my highest weight of all time for a third time, which scared me into action, and I'm down 4 1/2 pounds, plus I'm down an inch around my waist.  It's working.  I'm still only eating two meals a day, as I just don't seem to want to eat before 11 am, and that's with walking 5 miles every morning.  My two meals I do eat are normal.

A tiny bit of why I've been sad this week was because my Mom and I planned a trip for Hawaii to visit Kauai.  We planned and scheduled everything last May, getting good prices and ocean view rooms.  I've never been to Hawaii, and was hoping it would work out.  At the end of June my Mom and I searched news sites and realized we would probably still be dealing with this "stuff" in September/October, so we canceled and was able to get a refund.  If the trip was still on we would have left at the end of last week, returning next week.  I know it's a silly thing to be sad about, there's so many terrible things happening all over, but I'm still a little sad.  Someday?  Hopefully.

Anywho, I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing.  Establishing a habit.  Then when I'm in the groove with no sugary treats and tons of walking, I'll throw in strength training and other stuff.

One step at a time. Literally.

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