Saturday, October 24, 2020

Flies Are Seriously the Dumbest Insect

There are a lot of annoying things in this world, one of which are flies that get trapped in cars.  They come in and no matter how many hints you give them they wont go out the window.  I've found a couple other insects far more intelligent.

Several years ago I wrote about a praying mantis that got trapped in the car.  Written September of 2012 I wrote: "So a couple days ago I was in the car with my Mom and brother Steven, who was sitting in the back seat.  He made a startled sound.  On his backpack was a large, tan colored praying mantis who had climbed up to let Steven know it was there.  My Mom rolled down the window, and the mantis flew up, waiting for the window to be completely lowered.  Then it flew out of the window... where it hopefully wasn't squashed by a car."

Last week I was waiting in the car for my Grandma and Aunt.  The front windows were completely rolled down, though the back windows were slightly cracked open.  I was in the passenger seat, alone, and through the drivers side window flew in a giant dragonfly.  It was huge!  And it made quite the sound as it was frantic!  He ended up in the back, noticing the cracked window, and tried to get out.  I didn't have the keys and couldn't lower the window, so I was in the process of getting out of the car to open his door, but he made it out before I had the chance to get out myself.

Now a couple days ago, on the other hand, a fly came in.  And, as in times past when this sort of thing has happened, when I rolled down the window the fly didn't want to leave.  He just flew this way and that.  To the front, back, and whatever way he wished.  No care in the world.  Even when he was next to the window there was just no coaxing.  Then he flew to the back of the car again.  I had to quickly get into the house to do something, so the little guy is probably still in the car, probably quite merry in his predicament.  Maybe flies are quite social and like being around humans.

Heh, unrelated to cars, the other day I met a little flying insect of some sort.  Kinda looked like a little beetle, though most likely something else.  Reminded me of the cockroach in WALL-E, but it wasn't a cockroach in the slightest, just reminded me of the representation.  I was sitting outside on a step, and at first it flew away from me making a clicking like sound which alerted me to its presence, and then he flew back, landing right next to me near a railing. It turned and looked up at me, raising the front of his body while his back stayed down.  I bent down and told him, "Don't worry, I'm not going to flick you." So he turned to the side and flew up to the railing where he started to climb up.  The next day I was in my Mom's room talking, and the same insect flew at the window, hitting the glass and falling down.  He then flew back up, landing on the glass about where I was, and then climbed to the top.  I think I've made a friend. :P Haven't seen him since.

Until next time, c'est fini.

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