Friday, September 21, 2012

The Wisest Insect

So a couple days ago I was in the car with my Mom and brother Steven, who was sitting in the back seat.  He made a startled sound.  On his backpack was a large, tan colored praying mantis who had climbed up to let Steven know it was there.  My Mom rolled down the winder, and the mantis flew up, waiting for the window to be completely lowered.  Then it flew out of the window . . . where it hopefully wasn't squashed by a car.

How many times have you found a fly in your car buzzing every which way?  I have many times, and no matter how many of the windows are down, the fly magically manages to bounce off every surface, except where the window is down.  Fly's . . . Mantis, on the other hand, are a little more aware. 

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