Friday, September 3, 2021

Thoughts About High School Reunions

So, apparently next month or so is my High School 20th reunion.  Technically it was supposed to be last year, but for obvious reasons it was postponed, and the class of 2000 is now joining the class of 2001.

I'm not going.

It's not because there isn't any value in it, it's just that I don't want to attend.

Movies and shows seem to romanticize class reunions, and whether or not the stereotype is true is something I won't be discovering until the 50th reunion, which could be interesting.  If that happens I fully expect a 90's theme with Backstreet Boys blazing over the speakers.  

(I sang once at a 50th reunion when I was around 18, and they had all this 1940's and 50's music playing.  It felt really nostalgic, and everyone there was dressed so classy.)

(Fun fact, in Back to the Future Marty traveled back 30 years from 1985 to 1955.  If we were to travel the same distance, we'd end up in 1991.  Let that sink in.)

A decade past I didn't go to the 10th reunion as well.

I don't know... there's the technical reasons with it being in California. Travel expense and whatnot.  

It's just weird!!  And I'm struggling to find the words. 

I'm in the FB group, so all these posts keep popping up.  It's like another life.  Just super strange.

Well, movies seem to romanticize the High School Reunion as a type of trope, the popular or lowers returning to show who's achieved and who's failed.  Friends seeing each other after years of neglect.  Someone who was bullied getting their revenge.  Oh, you know that super cute dude back when?  He's ugly now.  Just silly things.  And I'm trivializing it all a bit.  I'm sure it won't be like that, just reiterating what I've seen in moving fiction.  What movies and television tend to miss are all those who just don't go for a variety of reasons, some emotional, others practical, and so forth.

Anywho, just some thoughts.  Maybe if I went it could be fun, but that's neither here nor there.  To all those who go, I hope it's a blast.



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