Thursday, June 24, 2021

Through Darken Shadows and other Whatnot's

That's quite an ominous title.

Well, I've been pretty sick these last several weeks, but it got really bad last weekend, Saturday through Monday with that hunger feeling refusing to leave.  On Tuesday I finally went to the doctor.  Just patiently waiting for the results of the blood tests.  He gave me medicine that coats the stomach lining and it's helping, so that's good.  Just praying for good results, and that the answer is found in the tests.  Fingers crossed!

We had the most wonderful storm pass through this afternoon.  The temperature around here has been around 100 degrees, but today it's been in the 70's with rain and thunder.  At one point the lightening was right overhead and it was quite thrilling.  Now it's calm, shining, and the birds are out once more.

I've been reevaluating my life.  Figuring out what bad habits to drop, so my time can be better applied.  There's a cell phone game I've been addicted to for several years, apart of that is because I'm the president of a club with over 20 members.  Don't know who they are or their real names, but one of them is going through chemo therapy again.  Another is stressing with work and taking the week off.  I know so much about strangers I've never met or know how they look.  I've helped the club survive ups and downs, comings and goings.

Each week there's challenges, and as president I feel the need to charge in front and get a lot of points for the team.  Motivation and all that.  But it does take way too much time, and I keep meaning to pull back, but can't.  Well, yesterday, out of nowhere, after getting 150,000 points in less than 12 hours, my greatest feat, I was suddenly kicked out of the club.  As president no one should be able to kick me out, but I tried searching for the club, and can't find it.  It was an honest shock to the system.  I was stunned.  No clue how it happened.  The sad thing was not being able to say goodbye, or know what happened to the club.  Are they still there?  What's happening?  Now I open the app and it feels empty.  I'll keep playing it, but super casually now.  Sometimes prayers are answered in surprising ways.  Just wish I could have said goodbye.

Spent time latter this afternoon going through Scott Joplin music.  Just got a book of his ragtime's in the mail, and I'm going to try playing some of them.  That music is so joyous.  I haven't played the piano in ages, so I'm crazy rusty, but thought it would be good to have a challenge.  Just do it.

Hope you're having a grand ol' time,

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