Friday, June 11, 2021

I Might Have a Pokemon Card Worth a Few Dollars

A few years ago I gave my mid-size card box full of pokemon cards to my brother Michael.  They were to be used for when the kiddos got older.  Since then it seems ol' school pokemon cards have become popular again, and sometimes I wonder if it was a mistake to give them away.

Nah, it's for a good cause.  The kids will one day get enjoyment out of the cards.

And there's no way any of them are worth anything, anyway.  I don't have that kind of luck.

Anywho, so I'm texting my brother, asking if he thought any of the cards may have been worth something.  He said he went through them and one of them might be worth about $20.  That's cool.  The kids can keep it.

Then I gathered the handful of foil cards I kept before giving the box away, took a picture of them, and texted the image to my brother.  That's when he texted that the cards probably aren't worth much, but the Dark Dragonite Foil is going for about $50.


So I looked it up on eBay, and it seems some of them are being sold at a pretty good price.  But are they selling for that much? That I don't know.

It's funny.  I'm just going to keep the card.  Right now there's a pokemon craze going on, so the value of the card will drop in time.

Heh, though maybe it will go up in value. :P


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