Thursday, November 26, 2020

#Givethanks Day 5: Grateful for Pie and Good Health

This will just be a quickie as I've got a ton of stuff going on today.

Last Thanksgiving I didn't have any pie.  Pie is a rite of passage on Thanksgiving.  But alas, this time last year I was sick.  My 104 fever had broken, my lungs were being attack, super tired, and zero appetite.  The first thing I did Thanksgiving morning when I woke up was grab some hand cream to see if I could smell it, having lost my smell and taste the weekend before.  Thankfully the cream had a scent.  Still don't know what I was sick with, but a part of me still wonders if it was the "Rona", since I caught it at Disneyland when the bug possibly started circulating late last year.  So many mysteries.

So, yeah, most of last year I was sick.  Caught a respiratory illness in Tokyo April 2019, relapsed on the UK trip in May, and then spent the Summer trying to recuperate my lungs.  I was feeling better by Autumn, but then got sick in November, and my lungs have been an issue since.  Good news, though, I've discovered that walking is actually helping my lungs, along with the herbal supplements I've started taking.  There are many hours in a day now where my lungs are feeling normal.  So it's a process, not 100%, but considerably better than earlier this year.

I don't know, it is what it is.  One thing I am thankful for is that I'm feeling so much better.  And this year I'm going to have pie!!  

Gotta appreciate the little things.

Until next time, 


(This challenge is inspired by President Nelson's challenge to share Gratitude everyday for a week on social media.)



  1. So happy you are feeling better!! I hope you are still able to enjoy singing as you have a beautiful voice. Take each day as it comes, and please enjoy as may pieces of pie that you want! Have a wonderful and joyous Christmas season! God bless. Sharlene D. Smith

    1. Thank you so much Sharlene! The pie was yummy, and I will never stop singing. :0) Much love, Sarah.
