Sunday, November 22, 2020

#Givethanks Day 1: There Are Always New Things to Discover

For the last few years I was blessed with the opportunity to travel, but since February I haven't ventured beyond 20 or so miles.  Not out of choice, but circumstance, and this little thing called a pandemic.

I'm thankful for that time traveling about, especially now.  This year I've been able to explore the area in which I live a little bit more.  Find new places.  New nooks.  Just this last week I took a couple drives along the mountain to Springville and Mapleton, which I've never really ventured.  Quaint little communities, really.  And then ended up at Robbie and Lindsay's, my brother and sister-in-law, for a little visit.

As part of my workout routine I started doing iFIT workouts on the elliptical and spinning bike, and the workouts have been really fun!  One of the great things about them is the fact that there's workouts from all over the World.  So far I've been hanging out in Japan and England, and can almost imagine I'm there.  It doesn't replace the actual experience of visiting a new place, but it's still amazing to see new things, learn new things while getting healthy at the same time.

It's just amazing the time in which we live.  Yes, the World itself is going crazy, and the censorship is unbearable, but technology also has its pluses.  There's so much information.  So many things to learn.  It's easy to get sucked into YouTube learning new things, hearing different opinions (though there is a censorship problem there as well), and watching silly videos.  Great Courses Plus and Curiosity Stream is a wealth of information.

I dream of traveling again, but I'm thankful to live in an area where there's so much nature and interesting things to discover.  It would be fun to visit all the National Parks we have, in which I've only seen a few.  And it's nice having the mountains so close.  I miss the ocean!!  But love the mountains, too.

So adieu until next time,

Truth will out,



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