Tuesday, November 24, 2020

#GiveThanks Day 3: The Blessing of Jeans That Fit :\

In all honesty I had a hard time coming up with something to be grateful for today. There are a lot of things for which I am grateful.  I don't know... this is really an interesting challenge President Nelson has issued.  

Then I thought of something really silly, but very true!!!!  I'm thankful I had jeans I was able to wear all Summer and Autumn so that I didn't need to buy new jeans.  It seems there were two types of people during quarantine this year: those who gained weight and those who lost weight.  Unfortunately I was in the former group.

Now, some girls love shopping, which is another group I don't fit into.  Clothe shopping is so annoying!!  No, it really is.  I hate clothe and shoe shopping.  30 minutes in and I'm typically in a bad mood.  Now book shopping is another story.  That can last for many blissful hours.  Also, I feel indulgent if I spend over $40 for a shirt, but can easily drop $35 dollars on the right book without thinking twice.  True story. :\

But in all honesty I just don't have the money to splurge on clothes right now, so the stress of possibly needing to buy new jeans was overwhelming.  Thankfully I didn't throw out my "bigger" jeans when I lost a little weight and kept them in a drawer, but those are the jeans I was able to wear as I tackled pandemic weight gain and loss.  They got tight, but wearable, and now that I've lost my quarantine weight they're comfortable.  Still wearing them and afraid to try my other jeans.

Yeah, this seems like a silly, probably vain thing to be thankful for, but it's something I'm honestly glad I had.  Though I also need to stop buying books and get my priorities straight.  Books are my happy place.

(This challenge is inspired by President Nelson's challenge to share Gratitude everyday for a week on social media.)


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