Saturday, January 31, 2015

Laughing Through Life

(On the way back from Santa Barbara last May)

"The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it.  You either have to laugh or cry.  I prefer to laugh.  Crying gives me a headache."  ~ Marjorie Pay Hinckley

This is a hard sentiment to follow, but I believe it's true.  Do I laugh more then I cry?  No, I don't.  There's a place for crying.  Sometimes it's needed.  In some situations it would be wrong to start laughing.  But, overall, having a good attitude, finding the beautiful and optimistic in life, are skills I'm working and striving towards.  And in the end, if I can find the light through the darkness more often then not, and learn to smile more, I'll find joy and peace beyond what I know now.

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