Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Getting Caught Up Watching Movies ... and Skinny Jeans

Goodness, so the Ghostbusters movie review didn't go up yesterday because I got caught up watching movies.  After seeing the film last Friday I realized it had been so long since I've seen Ghostbusters (1984) that I had to see it before writing the review, but instead of streaming the movie I bought the 2 movie DVD set for $6, normally $15, and now back up to $10.  Ghostbusters 1 & 2 for only $6, and now I've got a physical copy.

Meanwhile, as I waited for the order to arrive, I started writing the review yesterday, but struggled.  Why? Because I had just gotten back from finally seeing the new James Bond movie.  Don't want to give anything away, but it's kind of a bummer.  So that depressed me a little.

Oh, and last Sunday I finally watched Dune before it left HBO Max.  Visually amazing.  The film is imaginative.  But dang the whole thing felt like one giant exposition leading to a cliffhanger.  Good movie, but I don't like movies that lead to a cliffhanger with no idea if there will be more.  Granted it has been announced that there will be a sequel, but I'll believe it when I see it.  Remember Alita Battle Angel?  Still waiting for word that part 2 will happen.  I just don't like major cliffhangers.

Anywho, got the Ghostbusters DVD's today, and I was going to only watch the first movie, but this evening suddenly turned into an at home double feature.  Dang those movies are fun.  And so 80's.  

Changing topics, I remember a thing going around saying how Gen Z mock Millennials for wearing skinny jeans.  I just searched the internet today about skinny jeans and this popped up: "The year 2021 said goodbye to a lot of unlikable things, including skinny jeans. ... Either way, teens on TikTok and recent designer denim offerings agree: skinny jeans are out.  In their place, a variety of overwhelmingly looser fitting and retro-inspired styles are taking over."

Well, I went to Target to buy a pair of jeans because I was in need, just a simple bootcut, and what did I find?  Skinny jeans everywhere!  Seriously, every row.  Every color.  Stacks of them.  I had to dig and miraculously found some bootcut jeans in only a few sizes, a handfuls worth, one of which was my size.  But seriously, what's up with all those skinny jeans?  :\ I just feel so lucky to find a bootcut in my size, and on sale for $25.  That was nice.

It's almost midnight.  I do want to see Ghostbusters Afterlife again, now that my memory has been refreshed by the first two movies.

And tomorrow I'm recording a Creator's Playbook podcast episode with my brother Steven. So prepping for that. It will go up next week.

Hope you're doing great,


Wow I wrote a whole lot more than I was planning.  That James Bond movie... *sigh*

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