Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sleeping Through a Blood Moon

I'm always trying to catch astronomical events, but for some reason the blood moon remains elusive. The last time I made an attempt it was cloudy and the moon was barely seen.

Last week there were articles about the blood moon that would be appearing early Friday morning. I was super excited!! Until I looked up the weather report. :P

Overcasted! Leading to cloudiness.

And sure enough as I was heading to bed Thursday night it was overcast, so why bother with an alarm?

Blood moons do happen twice a year, but they're visible to different parts of the Earth.  

While perusing YouTube videos I came across one of those channels that talk about the "signs of the times". Honestly I do watch those kind of videos. They're interesting!! And it's fascinating hearing the opinions and connections made by different Christian faiths. 

This video made the point that he didn't think there was anything significant about blood moons, that's not the main reason we have them. They're to show us that we have a creator.

We're the only planet in the solar system that has blood moons. Why? Because we're the only planet where everything lines up and comes together perfectly. Our distance from the sun. The size of our planet. The size of the moon. The distance the moon is from us. The moons orbit. Our orbit. It all comes together.

There are those scientists and philosophers who keep trying to tell us God isn't real. You're a fool to believe!! But then God keeps giving us proofs. Signatures from Haven. We're to walk by faith. Faith is one of the most important talents we can develop while on Earth. But God, while on our journey, smiles from Haven and is like, "See! I'm here. How can you doubt? Don't worry. I've set everything in perfect motion. Don't think I'm not aware of you as well. You're more important than everything. I love you."

Gifts and love.

Hope you had a nice weekend!


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