Wednesday, July 1, 2020

2021! We're Halfway There!

So, for anyone who is absolutely done with this year, each day beyond this point is one day closer to January 1st, 2021, and further away from 2020.  Honestly hindsight is 2020--couldn't resist :P--and we honestly don't know how 2021 will look.  Maybe it will be better.  Maybe it will be worst.  But I think we're all wanting a fresh start with new numerals.

It also means we're at this years half point.  It's July!!  Yay!!  Crazy sauce.  Maybe you were absolutely amazing during the first part of this year.  Prosperous!  Great time management!  Accomplished so many things!!  And I'm like, heh, don't look over here, so not me.  Ahhhhhhh.  I'm just laughing.  Well, 2021 is six or less months away and I don't want to wait that long when it comes to creating prosperity and hope.  Yes, there's a lot out of our control.  There's a lot of unknowns.  Did anyone take those murder hornets seriously?  If anything this year will be known as the year of the memes. 

I've been goal planning and figuring stuff out.  All the books I want to read.  All the projects I want to accomplish.  0_0  There's only so many hours in the day, and I'm really fond of sleep.  How did Leonardo Da Vinci do it?  How much sleep did he need?  I have a love/hate relationship with my brain. 

Also, I've been watching the most random stuff.  I still have a news addiction, but I won't touch on that.  Lots of YouTube: Lost in the Pond, Clownfish tv, Nerdrotic, royal gossip (not proud of this one).  Also!  I recently found old episodes of BBC's Changing Rooms, the original before TLC Trading Spaces.  I LOVED THAT SHOW!!  No, seriously, I could watch an episode for the umpteenth time and not care.  It was just so much fun.  People have classic Iron Chef Japan episodes up as well.  None of this is legal, but it's so much fun revisiting these shows.  And my love of travel is being explored through old NHK World Somewhere Street episodes.  Honestly don't know the target audience, it seems young-ish, but it's a nice way to see different cities from around the world. 

Oh, and American Girl is releasing a new historical girl later this year: Courtney, 1986.  We're getting a 1980's doll!!  Spoiler leak pictures have escaped online, and she's playing an arcade game on the cover, so I'm sold!!  She does look like the Maryellen doll, 1954.  Their age difference is the perfect mother/daughter age range.  It would be cool if American Girl did a mother/daughter relationship between two historical dolls, but I'm not counting on it.  But it would be so cool!! 

Until next time,
Ja ne!  (Japanese)

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