Friday, July 3, 2020

July Health Goals: The Sticker Method

Ha! So I did something yesterday.  I threw away my scale.  It was hidden, I found it, weighed myself a few times (lost a pound and then gained it back), and then my scale went crazy: it decided to add random numbers to my current weight, so in the trash it went.  I don't need that mental drama.  The other scale is hidden very well, but hasn't been working right anyway, so it's dead to me.

What is the sticker method?  It's just a simple way to track goals.  Create a main goal, find a wall calendar, collect fun stickers, and everyday you're successful put a sticker on the calendar.  My favorite calendar is by Katie Daisy.  They're super adorable with lovely art.  It has to be a calendar that's not being used for keeping track of events, so that's valuable wall space if you're needing a calendar for said important dates.  I like using a planner for that, which Katie Daisy has also created, and they're even more adorable.  I love cute things.  Then in the corner of the date boxes you can add symbols for other goals, whatever they may be.

June ended up being a flip from May, where I was all over the place in the beginning of May and then got my act together by the end of the month, and then June started strong and ended in a mess.  My stickers represent days where I didn't have sweets, unless it was a nibble of chocolate or something.  Pre-selected treat days are symbolized by cute treat stickers.

Treat stickers are already placed for July.  Treats with a hint of red to go along with the cherry theme.

I could hang my head in shame and give up simply because I plateaued a whole month, but I won't.  On the plus side I didn't gain back the weight I lost in May, so that's good!  Nah, I did spend the last few days beating myself up for it, but I'm trying again on Monday after getting passed the Fourth and celebrating a family birthday.

So what are my goals?

1. Sticker everyday from Monday the 6th onward, because I may have had treats these last few days.  I'm human!  These things happen!  And it's my way of coping with the insanity in the World, plus it's a holiday and family birthday weekend, so it is what it is, but Monday I will focus.

2. Keep trying to get to bed before midnight. -_-;;  Heh, it will happen, and I will be consistent.

3. Walk three miles a day.  I did walk a total of 42 or so intentional miles last month, which is a little less than I planned.  Intentional miles are steps with purpose, above a half mile, no casual steps are allowed.

4.  Try out strength training with circular strength training bands.  Don't know what they're called, but resistant bands in a circle.  I got some off Amazon, so I'll blog about it next month.  I tried the HiiT workout, and my IC flared up a little, so I'm pulling back from that to reassess.  I haven't had bladder pain in a super long time, and I worked really, really hard to heal, so I just need to experiment to see if it was anxiety causing the slight pain, the exercise itself, or if it was all in my head due to fear.  I actually like doing high impact, I just have to make sure it won't make me sick and completely make me stop all together, so low impact stuff is all I can do for the time being.

And you know what?  I think that's good!!  Also, I should mention I've been intermittent fasting for the last couple months.  It's not a goal.  It's not something I was meaning to do, I just don't like breakfast, so I've been skipping it and only eating two meals a day.  Only twice has my hunger attacked, but it's been helping the way I feel.  No sugar sickness, as I call it.  Breakfast really is an annoying meal.  I really should have oatmeal in the morning, though.  Ah well, we'll see.

And good luck with everything you're trying to improve upon!

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