Friday, July 24, 2020

Random Thoughts July 2020 Edition

Sorry for the lateness of this post.  I hadn't realized it's been two weeks from my last entry.  It's four in the morning as I write this.  Insomnia.  So hopefully this all makes sense!! :P  Though, back in the day I wrote some of my best college essays between the hours of 2-5 am.  Heh, I no longer have a youthful brain helping me this time.  

Last Saturday I went on a drive with my Mom, Aunt, and Grandma, and we did what's called the Alpine Loop.  It's kinda famous in these parts, but funny enough this was only my second time doing it, the first being well over a decade ago.  Seriously, how have I neglected this beautiful path!?  There's Quaking Aspens.  Grand vistas.  Places to camp and hike.  Rivers.  The smell of camp fires here and there adding a smokiness to the fresh mountain air.  Delightful.  The only downfall are the occasional cliffs, as I have a fear of heights, but it's worth facing fears to get lost in nature.  It costs money if you stop, park, camp, etc, but if you're driving straight through it's free.

Last month the great Forrest Fenn treasure was found.  In 2010 the art and antiquities collector hid the treasure, worth over $1 million, and only left a poem as direction for its location.  There's an episode on Expedition Unknown all about it, which is how I learned about this treasure.  What's crazy is that over 300,000 people have searched for it this last decade, some giving up jobs.   And now it's been found, somewhere in the Rocky Mountains.  The finder wishing to remain anonymous.  I understand the desire for anonymity, but dang it, where was the treasure specifically?  What was in the chest?  I want pictures.  But there are no pictures released, only the message that the hunt is over.  Now it will go down as legend, and without published photographic evidence, is it possible people in the future will question whether it's been found, and go treasure hunting in search of the all ready taken treasure?  (I just did a quick search and there are photos tied to the treasure, but some are claiming it's not proof, and others speculating it hasn't been found, so... yup).

I've developed a peculiar habit when it comes to eating string cheese.  As a kid I loved pulling the strings of cheese and eating them this way, but as an adult, I don't know, maybe I've become a little impatient because now I just eat it.  No more strings.  Just whole encompassing bites.  I've become one of Those people... 0_0 (heh, is it obviously I'm tired?)

So I've had the Borg, those collectivist villains from Star Trek, on my mind a lot lately.  They terrified me as a kid, and I hated every episode they were on.  For those who don't know the Borg take over regions of space, assimilating every alien/human they come upon.  Individuality is stripped.  Robotic implants attached.  A single voice is taken over by a hive controlling united mind.  In the last month I've been thinking a lot about these fiends.  Their tagline/threat: Resistance is Futile.  Catchy and terrifying.  So I never got around to watching the last couple episodes in recent Doctor Who, subscribing instead to Britbox to delve into Classic Who.  I'm currently on season two of William Hartnell's first Doctor, the Dalek Invasion of Earth, when one of the robotic alien Dalek's said, "Resistance is Useless."  And I was like, "Did Star Trek steal and then change the line?!"  Dang.  "Resistance is Futile" is better.

Facebook is a funny place.  Sometimes I will look something up just so I can control what ads I see, even if I have no intention in buying it.  And then there are the random videos that pop up.  They rotate, though some keep coming back like Brad Mondo, Viva la Dirt League, The Action Lab, probably because I take the time to watch these videos.  But then I get really random ones in the mix, like this British lady who is obsessed with fancy, expensive cars.  And then these videos are followed by those gold digging vids about girls who will dis a guy, but then flirt when she sees the nice car, or back out of flirting when she thinks said nice car isn't owned by the guy.  Shallow stuff.  Probably all fake, but I still watch them to the end.  I've never really been into cars, mainly because of this really bad accident I was in as a kid, so I don't have emotional attachment to vehicles.  Though if a guy offered me a ride in a Model T, I would actually be tempted.  It's stupid to get into a car with someone you don't know.  Safety first.  But it would be fun to cruise around in classic cars, just to see what it's like.  I saw a Model T like car last week driving around town and it was the cutest thing.  Are they at all comfortable?

In other news church meetings started up a month ago.  I live in Utah, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Each stake, which is a group of wards (congregations), is approaching sabbath meetings differently.  Each stake was given the permission to pray and decide what is best for their congregations.  My siblings and I all live in the same area, though we are all in different stakes.  A stake one of my sibling's is in isn't having the wards meet yet, letting them stick exclusively to at home church.  Another sibling has their ward meeting once a month, as the other wards in his stake have the other Sunday's.  My Mom's ward is actually meeting every week, but for 30 minutes.  No singing, just listening to the hymns with reverence.  My ward is rather large, so we've been broken up and I meet once a month with my group, 40 minutes, and we actually get to sing the hymns.  We sang "My Country Tis of Thee" and "Come, Come Ye Saints," with a sacrament hymn in the middle of the meeting.  It was so nice singing the hymns.  It's been interesting seeing the different approaches each stake is taking. 

It's after 5 am, so I should head off,
Until next time,

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