Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Brothers Say the Darndest Things

So I was busying myself around Facebook when I found this little conversation my brothers shared back in June.  It was something I completely forgot, but is incredibly amusing, so, naturally, I have to share here.

(While filling in a giant hole with dirt and rocks under the main walkway in front of the house.)

Steven: This hole is huge.. I bet we have trolls living under these steps and we are suffocating them.
Robbie: I bet you're right!
Steven: I suppose we will know if by this time next year and there is a giant hole again.
Robbie: What we need are pixies! Do you think they still sell them at Walmart? You know, the little ones in the bottles.
Steven: I think so.. isn't it in their Magical Weapons section? Or wait .. Do they still have that.. Did they get rid of it?
Robbie: No, I think it's still there.
Steven: Ah, it's one of those sections that you can only find if you know where to look.
Robbie: Haha, isn't it in isle 3 and 3 quarters? 

Still makes me giggle.

And on the topic of Robbie, I found this tiny conversation I had with Robbie one afternoon while watching TV.

Sarah: Hey Robbie, as an INTJ you have the personality type of Batman.
Robbie: Dang right. Just look at me. All dark and brooding, and a playboy on the side.

Heh, and on the subject of Batman, I have to share this snip-it between my sister-in-law Krista and my 3 year old niece. 

Niece: Mommy?
Krista: What?
Niece: I... I am Batman.
Krista: :D Really?
Niece: Uh huh.
Krista: Cool. 

That's too funny.

Hope you got your giggle for the day, courtesy of the Stufflebeams :0)

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