Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Darth Vader does Shakespeare

 Did you know that William Shakespeare wrote "Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope"?  Yeah, neither did I.  And we thought George Lucas was the genius mastermind!!

This new take on Star Wars was actually written by Ian Doescher: it's really clever, very well written, and full on giggle worthy thanks to its overall awesomeness.

R2-D2 speaks beyond his usual beeps and squeaks!  Not to the characters, of course, just to us, the audience.  We see into his mind in good ol' Shakespearean fashion:

"This golden droid has been a friend, 'tis true,
And yet I wish to still his prating tongue!
An imp, he calleth me?  I'll be reveng'd,
And merry pranks aplenty I shall play
Upon this pompous droid C-3PO!
Yet not in language shall my pranks be done;
Around both humans and the droids I must
Be seen to make such errant beeps and squeaks
That they shall think me simple.  Truly, though,
Although with sounds oblique I speak to them,
I clearly see how I shall play my part,
And how a vast rebellion shall succeed
By wit and wisdom of a simple droid.
[Exit R2-D2 into escape pod.]"


Ian Doescher uses a spoken chorus as narrative, which is less Shakespeare and more Sophocles a la classic Greek Drama (Oedipus Rex/Antigone), but it works in this adaptation because of all the scenes that wouldn't be easily portrayed on stage . . . wouldn't it be fantastic if a theatrical group staged this version?  That would be so much fun.

Now bring on Empire Strikes Back!  That's the best of the three . . . I just want to see how Doescher tackles Yoda :0)

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