Wednesday, February 29, 2012

365 Day Photo challenge: Days 41-44

(Day 41 of the 365 day photo challenge 02-12-2012) 

The day before this photo was taken the temperature was in the comfortable 50's, and then the sky decided to have a sense of humor, thinking it would be awfully fun to snow on us mere mortals.  I don't know who did this, but sometime that morning a group of people got 3 giant cube ice-blocks, a little off the side of this picture, and pushed them every which way.

 (Random bonus 02-12-2012 photo)

There's something about the birds in this area I don't get, why do they always come out, in mass herds, when it's cold and snowing?? But they were everywhere, enjoying the cold, chirping in a chorus of chatter.

 (Day 42 of the 365 day photo challenge 02-13-2012)

One thing I've been doing to connect with other sellers on Etsy is build treasury lists.  It's working, and I'm finding it a lot of fun.  I've made six lists thus far, and if you want to see them you can find the link Here.

(Day 43 of the 365 day photo challenge 02-14-2012) 

Can someone please explain this photo to me?  The pink bottle has pink lettering, with a picture of a man, and at the bottom it reads "woman."  The blue bottle has blue lettering, with a picture of a woman, and at the bottom of that it reads "men."  So are girls supposed to get the pink bottle to attract men?  Or are men supposed to get the pink bottle to attract women?  I don't get it.

 (Day 44 of the 365 day photo challenge 02-15-2012)

This is the day I posted "Two Quarreling Knights," and these are the scrap papers I used to write the poem. 

Have a great day!!

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