Monday, February 13, 2012

365 Day Photo challenge: Days 29 -32

(Day 29 of the 365 day photo challenge 01-31-2012) 

I can't remember when I got this, but my Mom picked it up for me once, as a nice reminder to believe.  It's so easy to doubt, especially when chasing dreams that feel impossible at times, so this is my daily reminder of hope and faith.   

(Day 30 of the 365 day photo challenge 02-01-2012) 

This is me Au Natural.  No make up or glasses.  It's how I see myself when I look in the mirror, and one of the reasons I don't like seeing myself in photos.  It's interesting how we never see ourselves the way others do, because, besides photos and video, we see ourselves 2D and flipped.  When I was first looking into doing a 365 day photo challenge, they recommended taking a picture of yourself once a month to see the changes a year can bring.  I kinda procrastinated. 

(Day 31 of the 365 day photo challenge 02-02-2012) 

This is my moto!  It's how I'm surviving all the Valentine goodness that is abundant and everywhere!  I heard it once at ward prayer one Sunday night, and found it so brilliant that I chanted it through my mind until I got home and was able to write it down.  Now, whenever I'm wanting something other then 70%+ Dark chocolate or frozen yogurt, I still chant this through my mind.  I want to be strong and healthy.

    (Day 32 of the 365 day photo challenge 02-03-2012)

It's Dio!  Several years ago I discovered a super fun anime called "Last Exile."  It's the first anime my Dad willingly sat through, probably because of all the air battles and flying, and several months after that he snuck my copy of the series to watch it again.  A few months ago I found out they're doing a second series called "Last Exile: Fam of the Silver Wing."  It's on Hulu, and showing immediately after it's broadcasted in Japan.  I'm all caught up now, and loving it, though sad because, when it comes to anime, I'm used to getting the complete season box sets, and I've never had to wait week by week to find out what happens.  I'm eager for the next episode to come out. 


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