Thursday, February 16, 2012

Be Careful What You Read


I wish I can claim this photo, but I can't.  This image was floating around Facebook, and it tickled my funny bone in the most wonderful way.  Brilliant.  I asked around, and with some help I was able to find the website this photo was found: Nerd Quirks. It's a wonderfully amusing blog and worth a check.

So talking about Harry Potter, has anyone been to the Potter More website that was all over the news last year, but hasn't really been heard of sense?  Back in July registration began for beta testers.  I went to the site then, but it was so overloaded it didn't seem to want my email address, so I figured I'd wait for October when Potter More would open for the public, only it didn't open, staying beta only, and the site even now is still in beta.

I've been checking the Potter More Insider to see the progress, and they seem to be taking the betas through the whole book, and are now on chapter 9 of the first book, The Midnight Duel.  Since the beta opened last August, and they're only half way through the book, I'm thinking the site won't fully open until Summer.  If you visit the Insider you can view user submitted drawings.  It's disappointing.  I understand the need to fully test the site, but I wish more news would come out.  And I wonder if they plan on taking the betas through the entirety of the Sorcerers Stone.  And if so, will they then begin Chamber of Secrets while the rest of us start in the beginning?  This pattern could last through the third book, but the length of Goblet of Fire would cause problems.  It'll be interesting. 

All I know is that I'm quite excited to get the ebooks, as I'm having a love affair with my Kindle.  Hopefully the price will be reasonable, considering the amount of money the books have already brought in, and with e-readers you don't have printing costs.  I've found some great deals in the Kindle store, but it's crazy how expensive a lot of books still are.  How I wish I can take my vast book collection and get a discount on the ebook versions.  Not going to happen, but a girl can dream!   

Patients is a virtue.

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