Wednesday, September 7, 2022

My DNA Changes Again!! 0_0 ... :P, just another Ancestry Update

Another Ancestry Update = Another Existential Crises. :P

Heh, no, it's all good and funny. I got more Scottish! Up from like 19% or so, can't remember. My English was around 30% last time, and now it's split with Germany. And I've still got 2% Welsh.
I'm pretty much dominant Celtic. I really need to watch documentaries on the Celtics. Watched one once, and all I gathered from it was how obsessed Celts were with black magic. Is that the reason I'm so spiritually sensitive and attacked?
(Actually, I have a really weird story. In my mid 20's I went to the temple to do baptisms. In my room there was a small table, and when I came home the glass top from this table was on the floor. On top of this table I displayed four fairy figures, but now these figures were spread around my room, one against a wall with another under a bookshelf, the others spread in between.  So many things on these fragile figures could have broke, but the only thing that broke, on all the figures, were the wings. No one in my family did it, and I trust them. My Dad is a miracle worker with super glue and fixed them. This experience always freaked me out, but I put it in the back of my mind... until doing research on Celtic Fairy tales for the podcast last year, and after listening to a book on the subject, and realizing how connected those old Celt beliefs were tied to black magic, I thought of my broken fairies, and how only the wings broke, scattered beyond physics from one end of my room to another. Something out there was mad at me for going to the temple and wanted to scare me. I'm stronger than that. I got rid of that table many years later when, late at night, a crystal was knocked off. I heard shuffling around my room, which stopped when I turned on the light and picked up the crystal. I wasn't paralyzed, so it wasn't sleep paralysis.  Yup... fun stuff. Is it any wonder I sleep with a night light!!?)

Back to DNA! 

This update seems more trustworthy than the last. My Mom got her Scottish back! A whole 9%. She's 7% Welsh, and now has German at 10%, which is completely new. Her English went down.

It seems that some of the previous English percentages contained German, that are now easier to detect.
A newer feature is the parental breakdown of inherited DNA. In the pie chart it says Parent 1 and Parent 2, but since my parents DNA has been done I can figure who each parent is, and assigned them as such.

My Dad is 56% English, which was a huge surprise.
Anywho, I'm still going through all the results.

Fun stuff. :D

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