Thursday, February 4, 2021

Putting the Christmas Things Away

Every year it's an internal, personal competition to see how long the Christmas decorations can stay up.  How long until family begin to grumble a little?  I think Christmas should stay up until February.   Christmas tree lights are just so pretty.

Well, yesterday I finally put away the Christmas ornaments.  Accidentally broke one, and in a super careless way.  -_-;;  Thankfully it wasn't sentimental, though it was pretty.  Lesson learned, and I took great care with the rest of the ornaments.  The rest of the Christmas stuff was put away this morning, and it's a little sad.  Twinkle lights scattered about it really magical.  I wasn't ready to let Christmas go.

Now Valentines is in 10 days.  0_0  Groundhog Day was just a couple days ago.  There was a meme that went around about the Groundhog Day movie, estimating how many years it would have taken the Bill Murray character to be proficient in so many skills.  It was like 34 years, or about, though there were some debate in the comments.  (There's a lot of debate on the net in general about the length of time the day loop lasted).  Repeating a day over and over again for 34 years... not aging in the process.  You couldn't create anything, because it would vanish the next repeat, so all the things that can be carried must be learned or skill based, and then maintained.  Because you can become fluent in a language in those first five years, and then lose the skill in the next 29 without practice.  What would the psychological impact be in repeating a day for that long?  It would only be nice if teleportation was possible, so you can instantaneously travel to anyplace, in a time when it wasn't a pandemic.   That would be fun.

Anywho, time moves forward.  


"A good conscience is a continual Christmas."
~ Benjamin Franklin

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