Tuesday, February 2, 2021

February 2021 Health Goals: Celebrating The Journey

I just got back from a short trip to St. George Utah.  Went with my Mom and Aunt to visit my Uncle, and it was a nice visit.  Didn't get any exercise, but that's okay.  The first morning I tried walking the hotel hallway, but doing so while wearing a mask was too cumbersome, so that didn't last long.  Thankfully I'm still on track with the Route 66 mile challenge.

Lao Tsu said: "Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."  Sometimes I get so caught up with the destination that the journey is swept aside.  It seems more of an hindrance than an opportunity for memories.  When it comes to health goals I focus on losing pounds.  Up pops the Time and Date website, open the "calculation between dates" calculator, and the number crunching begins.  If so and so weeks are between these two dates, and I lose a pound each week, than I'll weight x amount of pounds by this date.  And so forth.  I torture myself with projections, and then nothing happens.  Time passes.  Desired progress isn't achieved.

Wanting to achieve an ideal finish point is one I must erase from my head.  Visualization is good.  But... I'm focusing too much on where I want to be that I've lost touch with where I am.  Each day is an experience.  Each day we get to celebrate the little moments in our lives.

If there was one measurable goal I would like to achieve this year, it would simply be losing ten inches off my waist.  According to waist and height calculations that would put me in the normal range.  And according to some websites 4 pounds lost = an inch.  And there I go calculating and setting end points!!!  

Heh, well, this will be a process.  More and more I'm enjoying the exercise.   I haven't incorporated strength training, so that's the next hurdle.  It'll be good.  0_0 ... :P


“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


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