Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Canceling the Trip to Mexico

Previously I hinted at planning a trip to a place that spoke Spanish.  Well, what I didn't say was that the trip was already booked and fully paid for.  It was a gift from my Dad, in combination with the trip that was canceled last year.

My Mom and I were going to visit the Riviera Maya, flying into Cancun, and staying in one of those all inclusive resorts with a private beach.  It would have been amazing.  And we would have been leaving on February 20th, which is in 10 days.  Since I was a kid I've always wanted to see the Mayan Temples and ruins.  To say I'm a little disappointed is an understatement.  Choosing to cancel wasn't an easy decision. 

It started with the change the CDC made, requiring testing before getting on a flight home.  Now, the place we were going to stay offered onsite testing, and if the test came back positive we would have been quarantined, but wouldn't have to pay for room and food.  That's a pretty good offer from the resort.  The trip was for six days and seven nights, so the test would have been taken on the 3rd or 4th day, and if it came back positive (true or false positive), the quarantine would have started then.  Then the worry of when a negative test result would happen, and the worry of how the flight back would work.

If I trusted the tests my Mom and I may have went for it.  I've heard that some tests are up to 40% inaccurate.  Another study last Summer found a 30% false positive and 20% false negative result, making those tests 50% inaccurate.  My uncle's neighbor works in a testing lab, and he said they run the tests up to 40 times, and then I started hearing this same information in other places.  We may have been fine, but getting quarantined, even by the beach, in another country, was a chance we didn't want to take.

Though!!!!  Funny enough, after we made the official cancellation, my Mom was talking to someone who knows 7 people, from two groups, who came back from Cancun with the virus, so maybe my Mom and I made the right choice.  It's so hard to know!!!


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