Saturday, May 2, 2020

May Health Challenge

Earlier last month I spent some time backing up my blog, didn't get too far, 2018 to be exact, but I noticed a pattern.  Many times I would write about this health goal, and that health goal, none of them completed.  That's not a good track record!!  And some of them were pretty good ideas.  Well, this year started strong and then went crazy, goals went out the window, and I joined the masses in gaining a little quarantine weight.  About five pounds.  But you know what?  I'm not being hard on myself at all about it.

This is a new month.  Can you believe it's already May!!??  Insane.  It's not unreasonable at all that, with new goals, I can lose those five pounds this month.  Head into June as I did into January.  And you know what, it's okay.

So here are my 4 goals:

1: Strength train 2-3 times a week.  There's a fitness app I found, for free, that has exercise routines.  It's Women Workout at Home - Female Fitness by Leap Fitness Group.  Pretty basic with beginning, intermediate, and advance exercises.  This month I'm focusing on beginner.

2: Walk a total of 100 miles this month.  Sounds crazy, but if you don't count Sundays that's about 4 miles a day.  About 20 minutes of walking is a mile at a moderate speed.  Not exact, but close enough.  There are pedometers and apps that can help keep track.  Don't know if I'm going to do 4 miles all at once each day or spread it out, but I'll play around with it.

3: No sugary treats with the exemption of two sweet treat days.  I've gone 3 whole months once with no sugar treats, so this is doable.  And I'm already down one whole day of no treats!  So 30 more to go.  (Though, to be honest, I found these little nut/chocolate snack packs at Trader Joe's, so if I'm having a down moment and need one, it won't count against this goal).

4. Try to be in bed before midnight.  Kinda developed a habit of staying up past midnight watching TV.  That's not good.

That's it.  These four things.  Well, a couple of them might seem a little crazy, but that's alright.  Tackling these four things will have a positive impact.  And I'm not going to weigh myself either until June 1st, and I'll report on June 2nd how it all went down.

Totally going to make this happen. 0_0 . . . :D

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