Friday, March 15, 2019

Enjoying Shen Yun

Shen Yun is a classical Chinese dance and music company, based in New York.  I first found out about them a couple years ago with mailings, advertisements, and billboards, wishing to see this performing company.  Now Shen Yun has grown so much that they have six large companies performing around the World.  Each year they have a new performance.

With my Mom's birthday around the corner she wanted to splurge, so we went with my brother Michael, sister-in-law Krista, and two older nieces.

What can I say but "Wow."  Seriously amazing.  Shen Yun is very protective of copyright, and I don't know if I should really talk about my favorite dances, but the beauty and artistry was a delight to watch.  My nieces were spellbound.  It was fun watching them get excited.  But the performance itself is just as brave as it is beautiful.  Chinese classical dance is 1000's of years old, and I'm glad this company is keeping this tradition alive.

Though, a quick note.  I bought a couple beautiful souvenirs.  After comparing in person prices to what's found on their online store, some items have a higher in person markup than online.  The bookmark was sold for $18 at the theater, but is $12 online.  Whereas the compact mirror was $40 at the theater, and $25 online.  That's a huge difference.  I'm couldn't tell what shipping was, if that would balance the prices, but a $21 difference is a lot.  I wanted to support Shen Yun's mission, though I feel a little taken advantage of.  If you go to a performance and want to buy something, just check online first, that's all.

But regardless, Shen Yun is worth experiencing, even once.

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