Monday, March 2, 2015

Flynn Rider gets Smothered in Diaper Ointment Goo

Over the weekend I babysat my nieces and nephew for 3 days with my Mom, giving Michael and Krista a chance to vacation in Wyoming.  The experience was interesting as I've never babysat them for so long.  To say the least there were a few mishaps, as kids sure love trouble and mischief.

Last Friday night my younger niece came downstairs with a single wrapped strawberry Hi-Chew and handed it to me.  As I was in the process of opening the candy I noticed this white goop all over it, and after smelling the medicinal scent I quickly realized what it was: Diaper rash cream.  I quickly examined my niece and discovered whiteness all over her pants and hands.  I asked her where the ointment was, but she didn't tell me, so I put the candy on the counter after washing her hands and went on a quick exploration around the house.  Sure enough the linen closet door was open and the tube was on the floor.

Surely there must be more white stuff elsewhere, but I couldn't find anything until I walked into the living room and found a Flynn Rider figure, from Disney's Tangled, on the ground, covered and smothered in diaper rash ointment glory.

That was a *Face Palm* moment.  And I did face-palm, after I sighed.

*   *   *

On another note I discovered that I can sing my nephew to sleep.  I only tried it four times over the weekend and it worked 3 of the times.  Granted the last attempt took place while the girls were running amuck upstairs, so he was distracted, so maybe the last attempt shouldn't count.

I first discovered this when I was trying to calm him, as he was crying rather loudly.  I've heard of people singing to a baby as a way of soothing, but didn't think such an act would worked, but I was desperate.  So I sang "I am a child of God," and by the second verse he put his head to my chest, nodding off, fighting it, but conceding.  By the end of the song his eyes were closed.  Then I sang "A Child's Prayer" just to solidify his sleepiness.  It worked!  And I was able to lay him down for a nap.

So there you have it, I'm a human Jigglypuff.  I need to get a black felt marker so when I sing him to sleep again, I shall draw him a mustache.

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