Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Magical Guardians of the Galaxy Cassette Tape

(LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-Lord' Mix Tape by BrotherhoodWorkshop)

Every Science Fiction/Comic Book movie has scientific implausibilities.


But then a scientifically plausible Sci-Fi would be boring.

Take for instance the Death Star explosion in Star Wars: A New Hope.

There's no sound in space!

Because there is no air and sound travels via air particles.

Now replay the Star Wars explosion with the mute button.

So not cool.

Movies are full of these fabrications, but it's for the sake of entertainment, right?  All these falsehoods will be mended when starry eyed kids take High School Physics.

But out of all the unrealistic exaggerations in Marvels recent Guardians of the Galaxy, and trust me there's a few, nothing bothered me more then Star-Lord's Awesome Mix Vol. 1 cassette tape.

In after 20+ years how does that thing still exist?


 The stereo in my room is so outdated it still has two audio tape decks, and I won't use it because one side ate a tape, and I can't remember if it was Deck 1 or 2, so I don't use neither.  (And yes, I still have audio tapes that are in good working condition.)

And another thing . . .

 How is it that the Awesome Mix Vol. 1 still looks rather new?

I was going through some of my Grandpa's old cassette tapes, and they're all yellowed and stained.

(Maybe I should ask my Grandpa how he came to have a classical Victoria's Secret tape . . . no, somethings are better left to the unknown . . . )

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