Tuesday, July 22, 2014

All Those Pretty Star Wars Peeps, LEGO Style

I'm not ashamed to admit that I love toys.

I really love them!

They're fun.

'nuff said.

Every time I go to the store for practical items, I budget a little time to walk the toy aisles just to see if there's anything new, fun, and/or interesting.

When visiting Target the other day to buy a new planner, I couldn't help but get distracted by the new Star Wars LEGO display featuring the new little figures.

(Is there an official term for that?)

Any who, miniature people, LEGO Star Wars style!!  With lights flashing on and off above the pieces. 

I was dazzled. I want all of them.

As a kid I was LEGO deprived. First because the sets are super expensive.  And second, because I have 3 younger brothers, and we're each three years apart (Robbie's nine years younger), and kids like to eat small things, possibly swallow said small things.

I was also playdough deprived, too, but that's because my Mom got tired of the colorful dough ending up smooshed into the carpet and drying, solid, unremovable, unless the carpet itself was snipped.

Regardless, these LEGO pieces are cool, and it's on my bucket list to visit LEGO land, just to see all the miniature cities built out of LEGO.

That would be fun :0)

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