Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Our Grasp on Reality and the Mandela Effects

The Mandela Effects is a completely new concept to me. Still wrapping my head around it, but it has to do with a group of people remembering history, songs, candies, slogans, etc one way, only to find out everyone is remembering them wrong.

I stumbled upon this concept with a debate about The Thinker statue by Rodin and the issue with his hand. The hand that the statue rests his chin on is relaxed and open. In my memory, and many remember it this way as well, his hand is closed in a fist. Others remember a fist resting on his forehead. After a quick image search it's clear his hand was always relaxed, yet my mind keeps switching images from a now realized false memory vs the truth.

There's videos on YouTube showcasing various examples of this phenomenon, comparing what people remember vs the facts. "All Tme" has really good videos, and they're a little trippy. Still tripping out about The Jungle Book reveal, and how Baloo wasn't wearing a green grass skirt with a coconut bra during I Wan'na Be Like You. Our minds are crazy!!

There's a theory how this is connected to CERN and multiple realities are merging into one another.

That I don't know, but it's crazy how our minds work in regards to memory, what's observed, and how easy it is to mis-remember and/or create false memories. Our minds are incredibly susceptible.

Awhile back I shared a childhood memory where I may have seen a UFO. I was laying on a trampoline, late at night, staring at the stars. Suddenly there was a white light coming closer and closer. I closed my eyes, then when I opened them the light was gone. One of my brothers said he saw lights circle eachother once and then shoot straight up. My Dad has seen stuff. This all happened in central California.

A few years ago I was looking up at the night sky, not seeing much thanks to light pollution, when a plane headed straight for me and passed overhead. I saw a bright white light as it came closer.

All those years ago did I see a plane and not a UFO? My childhood memory doesn't remember there being any sound, but that doesn't mean there wasn't sound, just something my mind has blocked out. It's hard to know what I actually experienced. At the time it was a UFO, as I didn't know what it was, but now I have question marks that will never be answered. Fractured memories that will never be complete, blurred by time and perspective.

Does the movie Yesterday play around with Mandela Effects? According to the internet it does. That's cool.

Some fun things to think about,
Good night,

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