Friday, October 7, 2022

In Which My Mom Stops Traffic...

It's after 2 am, so what's the best cure for insomnia? Starring at a phone. :P Heh, yeah...

Today was interesting. A good chunk of the city was without electricity. Got some fast food with my Mom, and as we approached a major intersection none of the lights were working. Several lanes in all directions doing a sort of free for all instead of treating the intersection like a four way stop. Made me super nervous, but we got through it.

After parking under a tree to eat, we observed another intersection, also not working. Not as big as the first, but still large with three lanes in each direction plus cross traffic. Soon an elderly gentleman in a nice suit approached the crosswalk pushing the button, while a young 20 something girl on the other side did the same. For several minutes we watched the chaos of cars crossing, beeping, several going each spontaneous turn, but not stopping.

The two individuals kept pushing the walk button, not realizing all the lights were blank. My Mom got out of the car, talked to the gentleman, and then put her hands up, waving while yelling "Stop!" several times, going into the crosswalk. Everyone thankfully stopped, and the two individuals were finally able to cross. That was crazy, and my Mom was so brave.

Soon after we rescued a couple family members without electricity, and it was interesting going across town, some intersections with working lights while others remained down. 

This afternoon I got to play several rounds of Long Shot the Dice Game. Really enjoying it!! Played it now with 5, 2, and 3, and the game works great regardless of the play count. Though I haven't played a full 8 player game yet, nor have I tried the solo mode. Maybe I should post about some of the games I'm enjoying. It's a winner so far! A good balance between strategy and luck with many options. 

Also, yesterday I rode the ski lift at Sundance with my parents. A little bitter sweet as the last time I did it my grandparents were alive, and they were with us. But the turning autumn colors were so gorgeous. They're still gorgeous!! The leaf change hasn't finished yet, and the daily ski lift is only running a few more days.

Anywho, it really is late.

Last weekend was General Conference for the Church of Jesus Chist of Latter-Day Saints. Oh my goodness, all the talks were wonderful. I've listened to President Nelson's talk, "Overcome the World and Find Rest" three times now. There's so many treasures in it. Did you know President Nelson is 98 years old!!!!!!? So many people are worried this was his last conference, but I'm staying hopeful. I hope he makes it to 100!! But that talk really is wonderful. Other favorite talkes were Elder Bednar's, "Put on Thy Strength, O Zion," and Elder Gong's, "Happy and Forever." All the talks are up on YouTube under the General Conference channel. So many good talks. I'm hopeful for the future. :0) Every thing is crazy, a lot of scary stuff happening, but there's still goodness in the world and miracles, too.
While taking my family home tonight, power restored, the person ahead of us in the drive through paid for our meal. How amazing is that? :0) So nice.

Have a good day. Hope you can see some Autumn colors this weekend!! :D Or around town, autumn is happening everywhere. Heh, it is late. :P


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