Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The Definition of Insanity...

Is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result...

Or so they say.

My mind is full of these thoughts. Images of that SpongeBob gif waving his hands with the words "Nobody Cares" forming above his head. "If you build it, they will come" being the biggest lie I was told when I was a kid.

If I spend months working on these projects, writing and music, will anyone care? Months building my voice back and recording songs, will anyone want to listen? I don't know, and my heart is in pain over the notion of wasted time over foolish dreams.

"Nobody Cares," like flashing neon lights blinking in mockery.

So why do it? Why try? Why create? 

Maybe I am insane.

So what does it come down to? Why move foreward and give this another go? Because I need to see if I can do this? I don't want to quit. I want to create something I truly see as good, even if no one cares. I need to know.

I need to sculpt, chipping away at marble to see what lives underneath. Songs that move the heart. Stories that make kids laugh.

The creative process is such a lonely affair.

Maybe nobody cares. Maybe no one will ever care. But I care, because my soul needs to feel. My soul needs to sing.

There I find joy and peace.


  1. Hey. Nice to see someone else use Blogspot over Wordpress. I don't know why, but I dislike Wordpress.

    Found your blog while searching up the D&D skit.

    1. Thanks. I've actually been tempted by Wordpress, but haven't made the move. Blogspot has been my home for so long it would be weird. Thanks for reading! That D&D skit is classic.
