Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Dreaming of Travel, Spanish, and Ignoring Promptings

Long time no write!  Well, it's been a week, and what a week, right?  Thought it was time to write a little something.

The trip my Mom and I were planning looks like it's getting put on hold.  The CDC came out with new international travel guidelines saying how everyone needs to get a test done before flying back, and if it's positive you can't get on the plane.  That's the gist.  With how sick I got on the Tokyo 2019 trip, with a relapse during the UK trip the next month, the thought of getting sick with anything and getting stranded in another country is terrifying.  With how bad my cough was, I was worried I wouldn't be allowed to come home, and that was almost two years ago.  The common cold can cause a false positive, which is stated on the CDC website, unless it's been removed.  Somewhere I have the screenshot.  So yes, traveling is out of the question for the next whatever.  Every travel tour I've been on it seems someone gets sick with something.  It happens.  Being extra cautious.  Apparently parts of Idaho is really nice.  There's a lot of nice places to visit within a few hundred miles. 

With that said, do I keep studying Spanish?  Do I go back to Japanese and French?  Irish is on the back burner.  I really didn't get far into it, barely the basics, but Spanish was making sense, so learning it here and there would be a positive thing.  And that's why I don't speak any language, because I'm jumping around, forgetting, and then re-learning.  Though I did take two years of college French and was never able to feel comfortable speaking it, getting C-'s in French 102 and 201, and that's with studying 2 hours outside of class to every one hour in class.  It wasn't for a lack of effort, it was really quite a challenge I barely survived.

Though I did find the Central del Libro de Mormón YouTube channel, which is actually pretty good with a lot of video's.  They put several up a week, so I think I'll keep watching them to tune my ear to the sounds of the language.

So anyone following along with my blog knows my Grandma passed away last month, which was a surprise as it was from a stroke.  Well, and this is where I've been really hard on myself, sometime early last year I remember sharing how I was getting this overwhelming feeling to type up the hand written story my Grandma wrote about the first part of her life, scan a bunch of pictures, and then put it in a book.  Did I do it?  Nope.  And now I'm kicking myself.  That's a project that's going to be a focus for the next little bit.  Just wish I followed the prompting so I could ask her questions.  She would have loved the extra time I would have spent with her working on it.  What a blessing it would have been.  Woulda Shoulda Coulda.  Now I'm putting the book together for my family, so they can find comfort in it.  Don't ignore promptings!  

Well, that's it for now.  Finding peace in the storm.


P.S. I was watching YouTube, and as it sometimes happens when videos end, another unplanned one will start up.  This time it was Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's CES fireside entitled "Lessons from Liberty Jail."  It's about Joseph Smith's time in Liberty Jail.  So much of it started hitting me on so many levels, and seemed so relevant.  The talk was so familiar!  Why was it so familiar!?  And then it hit me: I was there.  I remembered being touched by the talk and to remember it, because I felt its importance.  And then I remembered something else, I was in the choir!!!  We sang, "My Kindness Shall Not Depart from Thee."  It's a beautiful song, and it has healed by heart so many times.  The song is still on Youtube if you want to hear its sweet message and feel its warmth.

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