Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September Health Goals: Walking Just Might Save My Life

It seems like these last several months hasn't so much been about progress, as it has been about understanding.  Figuring out what works.  Figuring out what will help me get better.

I'm definitely an eat sweets when I'm stressed kind of person.  Last month when I said I wanted to go a full 90 days without eating sweets I was walking.  Then the weekend came and I didn't walk, and all the cravings came back full force.  Now, this isn't to say that walking always staves off cravings, because there are days when it doesn't, but it is a huge help.

Walking is my most favorite form of exercise, probably because it's easy and I can consume a form of entertainment in the process: streaming a show while on a treadmill or something audio while walking around.  Also it's always good to get outside when the weather is nice to enjoy nature.  The problem is I'm not consistent.  There are weeks where I'm super motivated and will get 40+ miles in a week, followed by 2 weeks of nothing.  But when I do walk consistently I've found that my cravings are easier to control, my mood more stabilized, more motivation in other areas of my life, and I just feel better.

There was this habit book I read a while back, it might have been Atomic Habits, maybe, where it said that if you find a key habit to improve it triggers other good habits naturally.  I think walking consistently could be my key trigger habit.  

So that's what I'm going to focus on this month.  Also, I got a book called Stretching to Stay Young, which I'm going to work through.  I actually really hate stretching and foam rolling, but it's a necessity.

So, yeah, still trudging forward.  Not giving up.  

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