Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August Health Goals: Conquering the Brain

One day I'll look back at this.  One day I'll look back and remember all these failures, and it will be a testament that failing multiple times is what led to my ultimate success.

Turns out it's harder to get back on track after getting off track.  July wasn't horrible by any means.  It just happened.  Came and went.  C'est la vie.  Au revoir.

And we're already a third into this month, which is crazy.

Much of my goals are the same.  What is different is my approach, certain realizations.  I've been taking huge note of my mental space.  The tricks happening in my brain, much of which I'll keep private, such as false beliefs that began in my young twenties.  Lies I created by false observations that hurt my self-esteem and worth.

The mind is so important when it comes to change.  If you don't change the mind it doesn't matter what you do in the physical world, as the mind will sabotage as soon as it gets the chance.  It's one of the reasons so many people lose weight and then gain it back.  The mind.  There are so many reasons people gain weight.  Some of it can be chemical/physiological.  Some of it can be mental, hardships, depression.  I've been pinpointing the points in my life that has caused insecurity.  False beliefs.  Fears I'm protecting myself from.  

There is one thing I'm going to do starting today.  I'm going to go without sugary treats for 90 days.  I've done it before, a few years ago, but I've been trying to do it again.  Each time I fail.  I need to retrain the way my body works.  Retrain my thinking in terms of conquering cravings.  Balance energy levels.  Detox.  But really I need something I can control.  Something that will give me strength in the doing.  

I've taken before pictures wearing a couple shirts that are too small.  Took measurements.  Weighed myself, and I'm just 5 pounds up from the start of the year.  I dug up incomplete fitbooks, so I'm going to complete them.  I got some cute paper and drew 90 circles, so I will be crossing them out as I go along.  

I'm tired of failing.  I'm tired of not accomplishing anything. 

So I begin again, and this time I will make it.  This time I will succeed.

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." -- Arnold Schwarzenegger


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