Monday, August 17, 2020

Changing My Mind, Again. -_-;;

It's two in the morning as I write this.  This is sorta becoming a habit!  Not a good habit.  Classical music is playing from a streamed station, the notes clashing, weird 21st century crap.  I prefer notes when they're a little more harmonious.  A little more pleasant to the ears.

Heh, um...

My quest for health is one of temptation and woe, mingled with side steps and whatnot's.  A search for the sustainable and realistic, mostly.  That's the frustrating thing about losing weight and getting healthy.  We're all so different!  Our bodies are different!  Foods and exercise affects us all differently.  What works for one person doesn't work for another.  And that is why the health industry is worth billions.  

In my last blog post or so I said I was going to go 90 days without sweet treats.  Then I did the math, realized it was going over a couple birthdays plus Halloween, and that I was being unrealistic.  Really, what I realized is that I was feeling a low level of anxiety over it.  Like this under the skin vibration of sort, putting me on edge.  I felt it with my one treat a week goal as well.  This is probably why I keep failing at this goal.  But over the weekend I decided that I'll allow myself two treat days a week, one on the weekend and one during the week, spreading it out.  This isn't go crazy over treats, just that I'm allowed a little ice cream, or brownie, or whatever, within reason.  Twice a week.  When I made this change that under the skin anxiety feeling went away, so maybe this plan will work.  I'm also aiming for walking a 5k everyday.

(Okay, the music is getting ridiculous.  Weird Neo-classical harpsichord stuff.  Turned it off and turned on some Brahms.  Much better.)

I'm also making some changes this week.  We'll, deep diving in learning and skill developing.  My main focus right now is wanting to improve my writing, so I created a crash course writing workshop from online resources focusing on grammar, story telling, building sentences, and short story crafting.  There will be writing exercises and short story reading assignments.  I need to throw in some punctuation study as well, as it still baffles me.   I'm also going to start learning Photoshop, video editing, audio editing, and other useful skills, but not all at once.  There's a lot of stuff I want to do.  There's a lot of stuff I need to do.  Can't forget music learning as well.  I want to create both instrumental music and vocal music.  And get my YouTube going again.  A lot of dreams.  A lot of projects.

Anywho, I should finish this up and head to bed.  I get spooked sometimes and have a hard time sleeping.  Gotta go brave the night.  Heh... 0_0 ... -_- zzzzzz

"If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." Roald Dahl

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