Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Why Doesn't Anyone Name Their Pokémon?

Today, for the first time, I defended a gym and left a Pokémon.  A CP 1339 Arcanine that I lovingly named Heero, which is short for Heero Yuy, because he's a great character that fits the spirit of Team Valor well.

Of course now as I write this at 9:48 PM, an hour after I placed Heero, the gym was regained by Team Mystic.  And no, I'm not going out to retake it.  I'm watching a delightful episode of Road To Avonlea and I'm really quite content.

But for the last week or so I've been looking at the stats of one gym to the next, seeing what Pokémon were placed there and their accompanied CP.  There's also something else I've noticed, all the Pokémon bare their original Pokémon names.  When I placed Heero his name shown right next to him, and it was a really fun sight.

I've been having fun naming my Pokémon.  Today I got a Jolteon that I named Tesla and an Electabuzz that I named Faraday.

And last week I got a CP 666 Ponyta I named Demon's Mare.

And for the record I caught this Ponyta at a 666 CP.  Heh, had a good laugh over it, so I'm not evolving or increasing its power.  I wonder if I left him at a gym if anyone would freak out a little ;0)

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