Monday, February 4, 2013

Warm Bodies: Movie Review

Rating: 4.25 stars out of 5

Zombies!  They're everywhere!  Actually, it seems like they are.  I first became aware of how popular the Zombie genre was when the book Pride and Prejudice and Zombies came out.  I never read it, but everywhere I looked, there it was.  I'm personally not into Zombies, though that Zombie 5K run last Halloween looked quite fun.  A movie about Zombies never seemed all that appealing . . . until I saw the trailer for Warm Bodies.

A Zombie plague has infected the human populace, ripping family and friends apart.  And there's a third group threatening the humans, Bonies: Zombies who have completely given up on life and have ripped off their skin.

R, played brilliantly by Nicholas Hoult, is an unusual Zombie.  Though he can't talk, he's reflective, and listening to his thoughts (which could get annoying quick) really adds to the movie.  R is friends with M, (Rob Corddry), and together their friendship consists of grunting.  To protect the living from the undead a part of the city has been walled up, but every so often Julie, (Teresa Palmer), must go outside the walls with her friends to gather supplies and medicine.  It's in the hospital where R and Julie meet, during a Zombie attack, of course, and R saves her.

The movie really was delightful, and the balance between horror and humor was perfect.  I laughed a lot, and the audience was really engaged.  It's been a long time since I've been to a movie where everyone was thoroughly getting involved.

Warm Bodies is Zombies meet Romeo and Juliet . . . there's even a balcony scene.  Overall the movie is a fresh take on a popular genre, and I can easily go see Warm Bodies again.

MPAA: PG-13 for Zombie Violence and Some Language, including the token "F" word.

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