Saturday, August 13, 2022

So... A Meteor Crashed Landed in Northern Utah this Morning

I just saw some friends post about a meteor hitting North Utah this morning around 8:30, and that many people in Salt Lake heard it.

For a moment I was rather disappointed not to have heard the "boom", but then my mind started playing tricks. Through the weak recesses of my mind I started remembering a "boom" from this morning, only to quickly discard it.

See, every now and then a certain base likes to test bombs out in the desert. They've been doing it for years, and hearing these "booms" mixed with subtle shaking, and air pressure changes in the attack, was hard getting used to.  One time I was home alone and the garage door shook like someone was trying to get in the house. 0_0 Freaked me out.

So when I hear a "boom" I shrug it off and think nothing of it, assuming the same old same old.

Problem is, I don't know if I heard the meteor "boom" this morning. Is this a false memory? False memories are not hard to create.

Hearing the boom of a meteor would be cool... 

I wonder if anyone is looking for meteorites. There was a show on the Science Channel called Meteorite Men that I use to watch. They traveled the world searching for... meteorites, sometimes successful, sometimes not, but the show was really quite interesting. It was this show where I learned about meteorite gemstones, Moldavite and space peridot.

I really want a Pallasite Meteorite Slice. Some girls dream of diamonds, but gems from space are so much cooler. That and I actually don't want a diamond. (If I ever do get married, I'm actually going to tell whomever he may be that I want a moissanite ring... I don't like diamonds due to their history). Pallasite Meteorite Slices really are super pretty. 

Anywho, it seems like no one was hurt from the crash, which is the most important thing. Glad for that. It really is annoying how easy it is to manipulate memories. :/


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